Free Access
RAIRO. Inform. théor.
Volume 13, Number 1, 1979
Page(s) 69 - 86
Published online 01 February 2017
  1. 1. L. BOASSON, The Inclusion of the Substitution Closure of Linear and One-Counter Languages in the Largest Full Sub-AFL of the Family of C.F.L. is Proper, Information Processing Letters, vol. 2, n° 5, 1973, p. 135-140. [MR: 345452] [Zbl: 0329.68067] [Google Scholar]
  2. 2. L. BOASSON, Un langage algébrique particulier [R.A.I.R.O., Informatique théorique (à paraître)]. [EuDML: 92099] [Zbl: 0424.68042] [Google Scholar]
  3. 3. L. BOASSON et M. NIVAT, Sur diverses familles de langages fermées par transduction rationnelle, Acta Informatica, vol. 2, 1973, p. 180-188 [MR: 331873] [Zbl: 0242.68037] [Google Scholar]
  4. 4. L. BOASSON et M. NIVAT, Parenthesis Generators, 17th I.E.E.E. Symposium ou foundations of computer science, Houston, 1976, p. 253-257. [MR: 455560] [Google Scholar]
  5. 5. S. EILENBERG, in Actes Congrès intern. Math., t. 3, 1970, p. 265-267. [Zbl: 0231.68024] [Google Scholar]
  6. 6. S. GINSBURG et S. GREIBACH, Studies in Abstracts Families of Languages, Memoirs Amer. math. Soc., vol. 87, 1969, p. 1-32. [MR: 297491] [Zbl: 0194.31402] [Google Scholar]
  7. 7. S. GINSBURG et S. GREIBACH, Principal AFL, J. Comput. System. Se, vol. 4, 1970, p. 308-338. [MR: 286599] [Zbl: 0198.03102] [Google Scholar]
  8. 8. S. GREIBACH, Chains of Full AFL's, Math. System. Theory, vol. 4, 1970, p. 231-242. [MR: 329324] [Zbl: 0203.30102] [Google Scholar]
  9. 9. S. GREIBACH, One-Counter Languages and the I.R.S. Condition, J. Comput. System. Sc., vol. 10, 1975, p. 237-247. [MR: 395352] [Zbl: 0307.68062] [Google Scholar]
  10. 10. HOPCROFT et KORENJAK, Simple Deterministic Languages, 7th I.E.E.E.E., Symposium on switching and automata theory, 1966, p. 36-46. [Zbl: 0313.68061] [Google Scholar]
  11. 11. M. P. SCHUTZENBERGER, Sur un langage equivalent au langage de Dyck, in Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Sciences, vol. 4 1973, North Holland, p. 197-203. [MR: 445926] [Google Scholar]

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