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RAIRO-Theor. Inf. Appl.
Volume 30, Number 1, 1996
Page(s) 1 - 21
Published online 01 February 2017
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  22. 22. S. GUPTA, The power of witness reduction, to appear in SIAM Journal on Computing. A preliminary version appeared in Proc. 6th IEEE Structure in Complexity Theory Conference, 1991, pp. 43-59. [Google Scholar]
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  34. 34. M. OGIHARA, NCk(NP) = ACk-1(NP), Proc. 11th STACS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1994, 775, pp. 313-324. [MR: 1288548] [Google Scholar]
  35. 35. M. OGIHARA, The PL Hierarchy collapses, to appear in Proc. 28th STOC, 1996. [Zbl: 0922.68054] [MR: 1427501] [Google Scholar]
  36. 36. M. OGIWARA and L. HEMACHANDRA, A complexity theory for feasible closure properties, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 1993, 46, pp. 295-325. [MR: 1228809] [Zbl: 0798.68060] [Google Scholar]
  37. 37. K. REGAN and T. SCHWENTICK, On the power of one bit of a #P-function, Proc. 4th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, World Scientific Press, Singapore, 1992, pp. 317-329. See also [21]. [MR: 1254503] [Google Scholar]
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  46. 46. J. TORÁN, Complexity classes defined by counting quantifiers, Journal of the ACM, 1991, 38, pp. 753-774. [MR: 1125929] [Zbl: 0799.68080] [Google Scholar]
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  54. 54. D. ZUCKERMAN, personal communication. [Google Scholar]

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