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RAIRO-Theor. Inf. Appl.
Volume 28, Number 3-4, 1994
Special issue for Professor Karel Culik II : 60 th birthday
Page(s) 255 - 263
Published online 03 February 2017
  1. 1. J. BERSTEL and P. SÉÉBOLD, A Characterization of Sturmian Morphisms, in: A. BORZYSKOWSKI, S. SOKOLOWSKI (eds.) MFCS'93, Leci. Notes Comp. Sci., 1993, 711, pp. 281-290. [MR: 1265070] [Zbl: 0925.11026] [Google Scholar]
  2. 2. E. BOMBIERI and J. E. TAYLOR, Which Distributions of Matter DiffractW? An Initial Investigation, J. Phys., 1986, 47, Colloque C3, pp. 19-28. [MR: 866320] [Zbl: 0693.52002] [Google Scholar]
  3. 3. J.-P. BOREL and F. LAUBIE, Quelques mots sur la droite projective réelle, J. théorie des nombres de Bordeaux, 1993, 5, pp. 23-52. [EuDML: 93576] [MR: 1251226] [Zbl: 0839.11008] [Google Scholar]
  4. 4. T. C. BROWN, Descriptions of the Characteristic Sequence of an Irrational, Canad. Math. Bull., 1993, 36, 1, pp. 15-21. [MR: 1205889] [Zbl: 0804.11021] [Google Scholar]
  5. 5. E. COVEN and G. HEDLUND, Sequences with Minimal Block Growth, Math. Systems Theory, 1973, 7, pp.138-153. [MR: 322838] [Zbl: 0256.54028] [Google Scholar]
  6. 6. D. CRISP, W. MORAN, A. POLLINGTON, P. SHIUE, Subsitution Invariant Cutting Sequences, J. théorie des nombres de Bordeaux, 1993, 5, pp. 123-138. [EuDML: 93567] [MR: 1251232] [Zbl: 0786.11041] [Google Scholar]
  7. 7. K. CULIK II and S. DUBE, Rational and Affine Expressions for Image Descriptions, Discrete Appl. Math., 1993, 41, pp. 85-120. [MR: 1198549] [Zbl: 0784.68058] [Google Scholar]
  8. 8. K. CULIK II and S. DUBE, L-Systems and Mutually Recursive Function Systems, Acta Inform., 1993, 30, pp. 279-302. [MR: 1227886] [Zbl: 0790.68056] [Google Scholar]
  9. 9. K. CULIK II and S. DUBE, Encoding Images as Words and Languages, Intern. J. Algebra Comput., 1993, 3, pp. 221-236. [MR: 1233222] [Zbl: 0777.68056] [Google Scholar]
  10. 10. K. CULIK II and T. HARJU, Dominoes, Slicing Semigroups and DNA, Discrete Appl. Math., 1991, 31, pp. 261-277. [MR: 1110460] [Zbl: 0747.20035] [Google Scholar]
  11. 11. K. CULIK II and J. KARHUMÄKI, Iterative Devices Generating Infinite Words, Intern. J. Algebra Comput. (to appear). [Zbl: 0900.68337] [Google Scholar]
  12. 12. K. CULIK II and J. KARI, Image Compression Using Weighted Automata, Computer and Graphics, 1993, 17, pp. 305-313. [Google Scholar]
  13. 13. K. CULIK II and A. SALOMAA, On Infinite Words Obtained by Iterating Morphisms, Theoret. Comput. Sci., 1982, 19, pp. 29-38. [MR: 664411] [Zbl: 0492.68059] [Google Scholar]
  14. 14. A. DE LUCA and F. MIGNOSI, Some Combinatorial Properties of Sturmian Words, Theoret. Comput. Sci. (to appear). Also Available as Technical Report LITP 93-53, october 1993. [MR: 1872447] [Zbl: 0874.68245] [Google Scholar]
  15. 15. G. HEDGLUND and M. MORSE, Symbolic Dynamics II: Sturmian Sequences, Amer. J. Math., 1940, 61, pp. 1-42. [JFM: 66.0188.03] [Google Scholar]
  16. 16. F. MIGNOSI, P. SÉÉBOLD, Morphismes sturmiens et règles de Rauzy, J. théorie des nombres de Bordeaux, 1993, 5, pp. 221-233. [EuDML: 93580] [MR: 1265903] [Zbl: 0797.11029] [Google Scholar]
  17. 17. A. SALOMAA, Morphisms on Free Monoids and Language Theory, in Formal Language Theory: Perspectives and Open Problems, 1980, pp. 141-166, Academic Press. [Google Scholar]
  18. 18. A. SALOMAA, Jewels of Formal Language Theory, Computer Science Press, 1981. [MR: 618124] [Zbl: 0487.68064] [Google Scholar]
  19. 19. Z.-X. WEN and Z.-Y. WEN, Local Isomorphisms of Invertible Substitutions, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris (to appear). [Zbl: 0812.11018] [Google Scholar]

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