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RAIRO. Inform. théor.
Volume 14, Number 3, 1980
Page(s) 247 - 278
Published online 01 February 2017
  1. 1. J. ARSAC La construction de programmes structurés, Dunod, Paris, 1977. [Zbl: 0451.68014] [Google Scholar]
  2. 2. M. A. ARBIB et S. ALAGIC, Proof Rules for « Gotos », Acta Informatica, vol. 11, 1979, p. 139-148. [Google Scholar]
  3. 3. L. BANAKOWSKI, A. KRECZMAR, G. MIRKOWSKA, H. RASIOWA et A. SALWICKI, An Introduction to Algorithmic Logic. Mathematical Investigations in the Theory of Programs, in Banach Center Publications V. 2 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, P. W. N. Polish Scientific Publishers, 1977, Warsaw, p. 7-99. [EuDML: 208573] [Zbl: 0358.68035] [Google Scholar]
  4. 4. J. W. DE BAKKER, Recursive Programs as Predicate Transformers, in Formal descriptions of programing concepts, E. J. NEUHOLD, éd., North-Holland, 1978, p. 165-202. [MR: 537905] [Zbl: 0392.68006] [Google Scholar]
  5. 5. CHANG KEISLER, Model Theory, N.-H. Amsterdam. [Zbl: 0697.03022] [Google Scholar]
  6. 6. S. A. COOK, Soundness and Completeness for an Axiom System for Program Verification, J.S.I.A.M. on Computing, vol. 7, 1978, p. 70-90. [MR: 495086] [Zbl: 0374.68009] [Google Scholar]
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  8. 8. B. COURCELLE et M. NIVAT, The algebraic Semantics of Recursive Program Schemes, in Proc. 7th Math. Found of Comput. Sc. Symposium, 1978, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sc., vol. 62, p. 16-30. [MR: 519827] [Zbl: 0384.68016] [Google Scholar]
  9. 9. G. COUSINEAU Les arbres à feuilles indicées : un cadre algébrique de définition des structures de contrôle, Thèse d'État, Paris, 1977. [Google Scholar]
  10. 10. G. COUSINEAU, An algebraic definition of control structures, L.I.T.P. Report, 78-27 (à paraître dans Theor. Comp. Sci.). [Zbl: 0456.68015] [Google Scholar]
  11. 11. G. COUSINEAU, La programmation en EXEL, 1re partie; Revue Technique THOMSON-CSF, vol. 10, n°2, 1978, p. 209-234. [Google Scholar]
  12. 12. G. COUSINEAU, La Programmation en EXEL, 2e partie, Revue Technique THOMSON-CSF, vol. 11, n° 1, 1979, p. 13-35. [Google Scholar]
  13. 13. G. COUSINEAU et P. ENJALBERT, Program Equivalence and Provability, in Proc. 8th Math. Found. of Comput. Sc. Symposium, 1979, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sc., n° 74, p. 237-245. [Zbl: 0404.68014] [Google Scholar]
  14. 14. E. W. DIJSKRA, Guarded Commands, Non Determinacy and Formal Derivations of Programs, Corn. Assoc. comput. Math., vol. 18, n° 8, 1975, p. 453-457. [MR: 383808] [Zbl: 0308.68017] [Google Scholar]
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  16. 16. D. HAREL, Dynamic Logic, Springer Lecture Notes in Comput. Sc., vol. 68, 1979. [MR: 567695] [Zbl: 0403.03024] [Google Scholar]
  17. 17. D. HAREL, A. MEYER et V. R. PRATT, Computability and Completeness in Logics of Programs, Proc. 9th Annual A.C.M. Symposium on Theory of Computing, 1977, p. 261-268. [MR: 495101] [Google Scholar]
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  19. 19. C. A. R. HOARE et P. E. LAUER, Consistent and Complementary Formal Theories of the Semantics of Programming Languages, Acta Informatica, vol. 3, 1974, p. 135-153. [MR: 464644] [Zbl: 0264.68006] [Google Scholar]
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  21. 21. M. NIVAT, Chartes, arbres, Programmes itératifs, I.R.I.A.-S.E.S.O.R.I., Journées d'étude : Synthèse, Manipulation et transformation des programmes, 1978, p. 165-187. [Google Scholar]
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  24. 24. V. R. PRATT, Semantical Consideration on Floyd-Hoare Logic, 17th I.E.E.E. Symposium on Foundation of Computer Science, 1976, p. 109-121. [MR: 502164] [Google Scholar]
  25. 25. G. RUGGIU, De l'organigramme à la formule, Thèse d'État, Paris, 1973. [Google Scholar]
  26. 26. M. WAND, A new Incompleteness Result for Hoare's System, J. Assoc. Comput Mach., vol. 25, 1978, p. 168-175. [MR: 474964] [Zbl: 0364.68008] [Google Scholar]

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