Free Access
RAIRO. Inform. théor.
Volume 13, Number 3, 1979
Page(s) 257 - 287
Published online 01 February 2017
  1. 1.S. K. ABDALI, A Lambda Calculus Model of Programming Languages. I. Simple Constructs and II. Jumps and Procedures, J. Comp. Languages, Vol. 1, 1976, pp. 287-301 and 303-320. [Zbl: 0356.68042] [Google Scholar]
  2. 2.H. BARENDREGT, Normed Uniformity Reflexive Structures, in C. BÖHM, Ed., (λ-Calculus and Computer Science Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 37, Springer-Verlag, 1975, pp. 272-286. [MR: 472499] [Zbl: 0333.02021] [Google Scholar]
  3. 3.H. BARENDREGT, J. BERGSTRA, J. W. KLOP and M. VOLKEN, Degrees, Reductions and Representability in Lambda Calculus, Preprint, University of Utrecht, Department of Mathematics, 1976. [Zbl: 0399.03013] [Google Scholar]
  4. 4.C. BATINI and A. PETTOROSSI, On Recursiveness in Weak Combinatory Logic, in C. BÖHM, Ed., λ-Calculus and Computer Science Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 37, Springer-Verlag, 1975, pp. 297-311. [MR: 479987] [Zbl: 0332.02033] [Google Scholar]
  5. 5.C. BÖHM and M. DEZANI-CIANCAGLINI, λ-terms as Total or Partial Functions on Normal Forms in C. BÖHM, Ed., λ-Calculus and Computer Science Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 37, Springer-Verlag, 1975, pp. 96-121. [MR: 485296] [Zbl: 0342.02017] [Google Scholar]
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  12. 12.M. DEZANI-CIANCAGLINI, S. RONCHI DELLA ROCCA and L. SAITTA, Complexité élémentaire dans le λ-calcul in B. ROBINET, Ed., λ-calcul et Sémantique formelle des langages de programmation, L.I.T.P.-E.N.S.T.A., 1979, pp. 183-212. [Google Scholar]
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  17. 17.D. SCOTT, Continuous Lattices, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, No. 274, Springer-Verlag, 1972, pp. 97-136. [MR: 404073] [Zbl: 0239.54006] [Google Scholar]
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  19. 19.S. STENLUND, Combinators, λ-terms and Proof Theory, D. Reidel Publ. Company, Dordrecht-Holland, 1972. [MR: 505306] [Zbl: 0248.02032] [Google Scholar]
  20. 20.C.P. WADSWORTH, Relation between Computational and Denotational Properties for Scott's Doo-Models of the Lambda Calculus S.I.A.M. J. Comp., Vol. 5, 1976, pp. 488-521. [MR: 505308] [Zbl: 0346.02013] [Google Scholar]

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