Issue |
RAIRO-Theor. Inf. Appl.
Volume 49, Number 1, January-March 2015
Page(s) | 47 - 60 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 18 February 2015 |
New bounds on the edge-bandwidth of triangular grids∗
School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji
University, Shanghai
200092, P.R.
The Key Laboratory of Embedded System and Service Computing,
Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai
200092, P.R.
Department of Mathematics, Zhengzhou University,
450001, P.R.
Received: 23 March 2014
Accepted: 8 October 2014
The edge-bandwidth of a graph G is the bandwidth of the line graph of G. Determining the edge-bandwidth B′(Tn) of triangular grids Tn is an open problem posed in 2006. Previously, an upper bound and an asymptotic lower bound were found to be 3n − 1 and 3n − o(n) respectively. In this paper we provide a lower bound 3n − ⌈ n/ 2 ⌉ and show that it gives the exact values of B′(Tn) for 1 ≤ n ≤ 8 and n = 10. Also, we show the upper bound 3n − 5 for n ≥ 10.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C78 / 68M10 / 68R10
Key words: Bandwidth / edge-bandwidth / triangular grid / lower bound / upper bound
© EDP Sciences 2015
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