Issue |
RAIRO-Theor. Inf. Appl.
Volume 48, Number 3, July-August 2014
Special issue in the honor of the 14th “Journées montoises d’informatique théorique”. I.
Page(s) | 307 - 314 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 July 2014 |
Existence of an infinite ternary 64-abelian square-free word
1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics & TUCS, University of Turku,
20014 Turku, Finland.
We consider a recently defined notion of k-abelian equivalence of words by concentrating on avoidance problems. The equivalence class of a word depends on the numbers of occurrences of different factors of length k for a fixed natural number k and the prefix of the word. We have shown earlier that over a ternary alphabet k-abelian squares cannot be avoided in pure morphic words for any natural number k. Nevertheless, computational experiments support the conjecture that even 3-abelian squares can be avoided over ternary alphabets. In this paper we establish the first avoidance result showing that by choosing k to be large enough we have an infinite k-abelian square-free word over three letter alphabet. In addition, this word can be obtained as a morphic image of a pure morphic word.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 68R15
Key words: Combinatorics on words / k-abelian equivalence / square-freeness
© EDP Sciences 2014
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