Issue |
RAIRO-Theor. Inf. Appl.
Volume 40, Number 2, April-June 2006
Alberto Bertoni: Climbing summits
Page(s) | 303 - 313 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 20 July 2006 |
String distances and intrusion detection: Bridging the gap between formal languages and computer security
Dipartimento di Informatica e Comunicazione,
Università degli Studi di Milano,
via Comelico, 39, 20135 Milano, Italy;,
In this paper we analyze some intrusion detection strategies proposed in the literature and we show that they represent the various facets of a well known formal languages problem: computing the distance between a string x and a language L. In particular, the main differences among the various approaches adopted for building intrusion detection systems can be reduced to the characteristics of the language L and to the notion of distance adopted. As a further contribution we will also show that from the computational point of view all these strategies are equivalent and they are amenable to efficient parallelization.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 68M99 / 68Q17 / 68Q45
© EDP Sciences, 2006
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