Momentum builds for Subscribe-to-Open as mathematics portfolio transitions to open access
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- Published on 20 May 2021
Paris, France, 19 May 2021: It is confirmed that five mathematics journals published by EDP Sciences and the Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI) will join Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (MMNP) in open access under the Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) model in 2021*. The transition will further bolster S2O, a transformative model first introduced by Annual Reviews and recently endorsed by cOAlition S.
EDP Sciences signed an agreement to preserve Journals with Portico (April 2015)
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- Published on 15 April 2015
EDP Sciences is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement with Portico to provide a permanent archive of the e-content for many of their key journals. Through this agreement, institutions participating in Portico’s E-Journal Preservation Service will be assured continued access to EDP Sciences content for generations of their scholars in the future.
Current data will be sent to Portico as soon as the e-journal is published, and a full list of the journals committed to the Portico archive is available at
For more information read Press Release (PDF).
RAIRO: ITA transitioning from CUP to EDP Sciences for 2015 (December 2014)
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- Published on 28 November 2014
EDP Sciences is pleased to announce that hosting and distribution of RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications (RAIRO: ITA), previously managed by Cambridge University Press (CUP), will transition to EDP Sciences for direct management from 2015 onwards.
Better services for customers and more integrated content
We feel that EDP Sciences can offer our customers a better service by integrating these journals into our wider portfolio. EDP Sciences has been investing in its platform and innovating with technology; we’re also keen to build more direct relationships within our communities. It just makes sense for us to manage the hosting and distribution of all our journals – together in one place – so our customers have a seamless experience of accessing all the content that we provide.
For further information
Please visit:
Please contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sign up for RAIRO: ITA Email-alert service! (December 2014)
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- Published on 28 November 2014
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ITA: Obituary (17 avr. 2014)
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- Published on 25 February 2011
Alberto Bertoni was born on July 17, 1946 in Barlassina, Italy. He graduatedin Physics in 1970. In 1981 we was appointed as a full Professor at the University of Milano. He has been one of the founders of the Italian Chapter of EATCS which he chaired over 6 years. He was serving as an Editor of ITA. It is with deep sadness that we have learned of his death on February 10, 2014 in Carate Brianza.