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Language, Culture, Computation. Computing - Theory and Technology

Olivier Finkel
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Language, Culture, Computation. Computing - Theory and Technology 8001 50 (2014)

Representing real numbers in a generalized numeration system

Émilie Charlier, Marion Le Gonidec and Michel Rigo
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 77 (4) 743 (2011)

Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2009

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Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2009 5684 185 (2009)

Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology

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Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1986

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Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1986 233 594 (1986)

Current Trends in Concurrency

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Linear time and branching time semantics for recursion with merge

J.W. De Bakker, J.A. Bergstra, J.W. Klop and J.-J.Ch. Meyer
Theoretical Computer Science 34 (1-2) 135 (1984)

Automata, Languages and Programming

J. W. de Bakker, J. A. Bergstra, J. W. Klop and J. -J. Ch. Meyer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Automata, Languages and Programming 154 39 (1983)